Monday, 26 January 2015

My most helpful cat!

The hall is still being decorated so I'm still not able to move around the house very easily and it doesn't seem much point cleaning too thoroughly yet, although most of the really dusty stuff is complete.
So I thought I'd write a list of all the things I want to get done around the house, rather like a 'Spring clean'. My thinking is that it will help me feel spring is just around the corner even if I know it's not because my birthday is the first day of spring so I know exactly when it is!! It will make me feel better though and of course the house will be spick and span, which I love, so win win!!

I carefully wrote out a list, room by room, in my trusty diary, stopping only to refill my cartridge pen! Just as I had finished, the cat decided that enough was enough and I was being a boring human......

He's always doing that:- my husband's report checking, children's revision notes, artwork, coursework ..... Any paperwork he can find, he will sit on!! It obviously wasn't much to his liking though as he's shuffled off now to find a warm bed to lie on instead. I'm really hoping neither of them (the cats I mean!) decide to wipe themselves along the gloss paint being done today....
I can see my list again now, so I might have to do at least one thing off there today, if only to have the pleasure of ticking something off!!  


  1. That looks a horribly LONG list, should keep you busy for an hour or two!!

  2. Yes, it's very long, but quite detailed so hopefully some bits will be faster than others!! I'm still working my way through last week's list of appointments and paperwork! It seems to be never ending! Still, I prefer to be busy and occupied and it's keeping me warm too!

  3. I have a very long spring clean/preparing the house to sell list. I don's seem to be getting very far with it though!

    1. Oh yes, I've done that before... 'Sold' the house twice and we're still here!! This time it's only for our benefit though!

  4. What a long list you have, but it will keep you busy, I really enjoy a good declutter and clean.

    1. It was partly seeing your bedroom de clutter that has spurred me on!
